Psilo 4Gram “ORIGINS” Bar
A friend and I tried the Psilo Bar and split it in two pieces. We had a movie marathon and was hoping for a good trip. About 1 hour after we started the visuals kicked in and everything brightened. It felt like my frame of vision changed as dose kicked in. This adventurous rolling body high kicked in as visuals and body high effects were present. We lost track of the film as the walls opened and began to vibrate lol. The smallest thing about something random we would laugh for minutes on end. I had a moment of deep peace and bliss for my existence and the world around me , as colors washed over me. As we came down and leveled out, we ordered a pizza and there was an easygoing glow for a few more hours while we were still lightly tripping. Overall crazy mushroom trip I would try this item again in the future.